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Pardon Our Dust

Website Overhaul Notice (Updated 7/7/2024):

Wehinahpay's website will undergo drastic changes between 6/30/2024 and 7/25/2024 to update, fix, and beautify the site. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause during this time, but we hope that the fruits born from this work will make the website easier and more enjoyable to navigate and find information.

If you have any questions in the meantime that cannot be answered by the documents/links below, please reach out to:

Camp Director Michael Beaumont |

​For general camp questions

Program Director Walter Stagaman |

For program and class concerns

Camp Commissioner Scott Schmitz |

For sites and leader programs

Camp Office Phone | (575) 687-2691

Council Office Phone | (575) 622-3461

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